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Penny's first big road trip!

August & Libby P. in Indianapolis

Little mini update on Penny:) She’s growing fast and is adored by us all. She’s getting feistier by the day, has found her voice for certain, and wakes us up bright and early😯 but sleeps quietly all night.

She loves irritating our older dog and he’s slowly getting less annoyed with her😂 She had her first big road trip to Northern MI and was a dream in the car. She loved the cooler northern nights sleeping in her crate on my parents screened porch and figured out how to enjoy the beach with some shade and a hole dug for a cool spot.

Still working on house training but she’s already starting to pick up “come” and “sit” quite well!

Anyway, I know your kiddos miss their puppies so I thought they might enjoy seeing her:) she’s been such a sweet addition to our family🩵 —August & Libby P. in Indianapolis



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